fuzei gardens
& tree service ltd.
+ 403 931 3817
based in Millarville, Alberta offering service across Canada
photo at left:
Y residence, lower deck completely enclosed by a forest atmosphere as a privacy screen, cooling device, and humidity net. Railing is 1” steel in a screen pattern from Souchou China
photo far left: forest path overhanging with maples that leads to a teahouse hottub with a lakeside view and boat pier.
at immediate left: Edzards’ pine at the Nikka Yuko garden, Lethbridge Alberta. Continual maintenance by Al White, (Lethbridge) and garden consultant Masa Mizuno of Portland Oregon
The Calgary Gardener Volume 2: Beyond the Basics,
photo at left is the same garden as the Woodland Garden, page 6, bottom left of spine taken by Liesbeth Leatherbarrow
For example, the universal ability of trees to filter pollutants from the air we breathe while manufacturing our air is a constant universally understood principle and often applied in design.
However what is not seem universally understood or applied is that plants in close proximity of each other with overlapping canopies increase humidity levels allowing plants to secrete aroma from resins with the resultant benefits of ‘outdoor aroma therapy’. This experience has led to the discerning palette of plants we use and how we use them; what we do with them in planning the long term.
The shape that trees and shrubs are given within planting patterns maximizes their benefits as well as subconsciously altering and redirecting the client’s inner responses and processes. To be more specific in one area of interest: tree location alters airflow for summer cooling and winter warming as well as air filtration. Tree location also provides subconscious clues of way finding or ‘how to find ones way’ on a path through trees as compared to a path lined with trees. This reversal of thought has direct bearing on the formality or informality of approach. An oblique entry approach shrouded with trees with welcoming shrubs in softly rounded shapes is gentler than the direct approach on an avenue. We ask which came first: did trees grow and a path wends its way through the forest, or did the path exist first allowing the trees to line the avenue?
The organization of plant material around specific locations instills responses that soothe or invigorate, give direction or indicate stopping ‘here’. Naturally these designed responses are accentuated when well maintained.
And, mindful planting density sequesters humidity that releases aroma from trees, shrubs and ground-covers for healthier living.
Or an excursion to our water runoff coulees, even they are densely populated with willow, alder and significant undergrowth that offers significant plant diversity. And the aroma is different, the feeling this nature offers is different, and the final result of feeling relaxed refreshed, will enable the vision that forest growth is possible to create even within ones own property.
fuzei gardens & tree service ltd. + 403 . 931.3817 cell 403.861.6080
all rights reserved (c) copyright held by fuzei gardens & tree service ltd. 2012
fuzei gardens & tree service ltd. + 403 . 931.3817
based in Millarville
service throughout Canada
modern Japanese gardens:
design . construction . maintenance .
aesthetic pruning:
espalier . topiary . tree pruning for beauty & health
practicing fine art employing eco-friendly sustainable solutions maintaining the beauty of Nature in our environs..
all rights reserved (c) copyright held by fuzei gardens & tree service ltd. 2014